Sennelier Pagode Black Encre Indian Ink
This famous indian ink, known for 100 years as 'A La Pagode', is made in the same traditional style of shellac based ink with ground lamp black pigment. The effect offers stunning blackness with an almost bluish mass tone and a high lustre. Washed onto full areas with a brush will produce an effect like that of Japanese lacquer, and from the nib pen, a deep dense black, even on the finest lines. Dries to a waterproof line that may be washed over with watercolour.

An unrivalled history in fine art. Sennelier have been leading production of fine art materials since 1887.
Sennelier are one of the worlds oldest fine art materials producers. Sennelier have been producing high quality art materials since 1887 in Paris, France, just steps away from Lourve.
Famous for its hand selected pigments and outstanding quality, the extensive fine art ranges include acrylic paints, oil paints, watercolour, gouache, oil sticks, soft pastels, tempera paints, varnishes & mediums and many more fine art materials and artists supplies. Many of the worlds most well known artists have relied on Sennelier to produce some of our the world’s favourite art works. Sennelier is an unrivalled quality of art materials for over 130 years.
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