- Raphael 1862 Kolinsky Gold Red Sable Roundfrom $22.40
- Isabey 6115 Memory Roundfrom $14.39
- Isabey 6088 Hog Filbertfrom $16.46
- Raphael 358 d’Artigny Hog Roundfrom $11.84
- Raphael 3570 Paris Classic Oil Brush Short Flatfrom $17.05
- Isabey 6175 Siberian Fitch Flatfrom $17.93
- Isabey 6125 Fitch Roundfrom $16.72
- Isabey 6036 Hog Roundfrom $14.89
- Isabey 6086 Hog Hair Flat Brushfrom $13.71
- Isabey 6176 Cat's Tongue Fitchfrom $22.79
- Isabey 6087 Hog Bright Flatfrom $14.89
- Raphael 3590 d'Artigny Hog Bright Flatfrom $11.24
- Raphael 356 Paris Classic Hog Oil Brush Roundfrom $16.72
- Raphael 862 Fresco Red Sable: Round Brushfrom $12.47
- Leonard 4409UB Sable Filbertfrom $24.01
- Raphael 363 Oleo White Hog Oil Brush Flatfrom $7.92
- Raphael 359 d'Artigny Hog Flatfrom $14.01
- Raphael 8622 Fresco Cat's Tongue Brushfrom $14.78
- Raphael 3695 d'Artigny Hog Fanfrom $22.92
- Raphael 3592 d'Artigny Hog Filbertfrom $15.14
- Raphael 878 Impasto Ox-Ear Fine Flat Brushfrom $11.04
- Raphael 8802 Kolinsky Gold Red Sable Riggerfrom $41.32
- Raphael 872 Fresco Red Sable Flat Brushfrom $24.42
- Leonard 580UB Imitation Mongoose Filbertfrom $17.16

Paint Brushes
Fine art paint brushes from some of the worlds leading paint brush suppliers. From high-end hand made fine detail oil painting brushes to large synthetic bristle brushes, Melbourne Etching Supplies stocks paint brushes for acrylic painting, oil painting, watercolour and gouache, varnishing brushes and many more. Our brands include Raphael, Isabey, Leonard and more to keep you painting.