Isabey 6573 Mangoo Filbert
The Isabey Mangoo brush range is an imitation mongoose hair made from synthetic fibre. Replicating the finest natural hair its fibre is between hog and sable in stiffness, with the durability of a synthetic brush so it keeps a tight shape. Ideal for oil and heavy body acrylics the Mangoo fibre has incredible feel and spring as well as unparalleled precision and control. Tapered hairs interlock to keep a sharp points and a fine edge that resist splaying when used with solvents and varnishes.
Brush Head: Filbert
Fibre: Synthetic
Use: For models, touch-ups and glazing
Handle: Gold-plated ferrule, long black handle.

Isabey Brushes
Over 100 years of crafting exquisite artist brushes by hand.
For centuries beautiful handmade brushes for artists have been crafted in Brittany, France. The art of fine brushmaking has been passed on from generation to generation of Bretons, and the brushes made today are the legacy of that tradition. It takes the brushmakers 7 years to learn how to make the brushes of the Isabey line. Isabey brushmakers must apprentice 10 years before being allowed to make the Kolinsky sable, red sable and Siberian blue squirrel mop brushes.
Every Isabey brush is completely made by hand from start to finish, and completely hand dressed including the washing, sorting and shaving of the hair. Through traditional methods, careful selection of materials, the strictest quality control and unparalleled pride in workmanship, Isabey crafts brushes of distinction that are truly works of art. The adherence to this tradition that has been passed through the centuries makes Isabey brushes the finest in the world.