• Liquitex Ultra Matte Gel Medium 237ml
  • Liquitex Ultra Matte Gel Medium 237ml

Liquitex Ultra Matte Gel Medium 237ml

Liquitex Ultra Matte Gel Medium doubles your paint volume without changing its colour. It provides an ultra matte finish and maintains opacity.


  • Turns satin paint to a dead matte finish with absolutely no sheen
  • Extends your heavy body paints by up to double volume without affecting acrylic stability, viscosity or colour position - ideal when running out of a colour mid painting
  • Maintains opacity levels better than any other Liquitex gel
  • Increases viscosity of fluid paints, giving a thicker consistency
  • Slows drying time and enhances appearance of brush marks. Maintains durability and archival quality
  • Can be thinned by diluting with up to 25% water - distilled water will give best results
SKU: A508.76
Regular price

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